Kyle@gs - December 21, 2022
Posted in Signs

Below are some ideas on how to reduce your sign cost or the initial outlay on signage. We know that for some businesses, especially start-ups, the cost of new signage to get your business or brand noticed may cost a little more than you expected.

All the sections advised are only suggestions to consider and we always advise to check prior to doing any of the points provided, as if not done correctly it may cost you more than initial cost.

How can I lower my sign quote?

Provide your own artwork.

If you are able to, or have a friend or design agency that are able to create artwork, perhaps get them involved – as this would reduce any artwork labour charges. Most signage companies are able to send over their artwork requirements if you ask for them too. Bear in mind that we may still need to colour match or make some tweaks. For more info – check our Colour Matching Methods page (coming soon).

Install the sign yourself.

If you’re handy with the tools, or know some good DIYers – check if you might be able to install the sign yourself. Some signs may require special permission or skills to install – so always check prior to agreeing to install your own signs. Be aware that if you damage the sign and it requires repair or replacing, this may cost you more too.

Reduce the size to reduce your sign cost.

Bigger is isn’t always better – sometimes some cleverly placed small signs can be more effective than a billboard. Reducing the size can also sometimes reduce the material required or wastage therefore making it more economical to produce too.

Can you use your existing sign?

Sometimes you might be able to utilise your existing signage in other areas or even get your current signs overlaid. A sign overlay is when vinyl (printed or coloured) can be applied to top of your existing signage.

If you are also hoping to apply this yourself – advise us that it is being used an overlay as you will likely need a grey backed or blockout material to prevent any text or images showing through the new vinyl.

Remove what signs you can.

There might be some signs or graphics that you could remove yourself that could bring down the sign cost by reducing the installation time like window graphics etc.

Always look for advice prior to removing any signs, as any damage may cost you more.

Are you being oversold?

Consider that the sign you have been quoted might be more than you require at this stage. Perhaps a £100 banner could do the same job as a £1,000 sign.

As a sign maker, we want your business to get noticed and will likely show you the best options available to make your business look as professional as possible.

Try to keep your budget and not be oversold to reduce your sign cost.


We hope that the above might be helpful to reduce the costs but always get in touch prior to actioning any of the points above.

If any of this helps – get in touch on our social media!

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